Monday, April 23, 2012

Working Out for Nuthin'

The Quote--
"We're not doing outrageous fashion; I make sports clothes that are relatively conservative, clothes that everyone wears."
Calvin Klein

The Blurb--
"When the stress of the week weighs down my mind, I hit the gym.  Work off a few pounds? Sure.  Chisel and define those muscles? Yep.  Usually I focus on weight training, then some rounds with the bag. Today, though, I accepted a challenge for a pick up game with the younger boys. Who asks a black man over six foot if he 'wants to get spanked at b-ball'?  The kid about to lose his allowance, that's who."

Booker Aries

The Stuff--

The Benjamin skin was a great deal and a godsend for someone looking for an ethnic skin on a budget. The set also includes Shape, hairbase on a tattoo layer, and brows.

The basketball set comes with several mesh sizes for both the jersey and the shorts, as well as the sneakers and the basketball making this a great all around gift.

The fatpack of tube socks comes with six different color schemes to match various outfits and uniforms.

My favorite purchase, though, is the Thor's Oak Exercise Animations. Thirty Two full perm animations better than I've seen elsewhere, fifteen pairs of dumbells at varying weights, and gym shorts, not shown. Win's Booker's Best Value Medal.

The heavy bag is not animated and stands at a hefty twenty one prims, however, it's free and looks great.

The Details--

Skin:  RUBY Skins Presents BENJAMIN   L$0

Outfit: Crickets Ashton BasketBall Outfit - Mesh  L$0 (group gift, free to join)

Socks:  Earthcrosser Design boxed- fat pack tube socks   L$0

Heavy Bag: Prim StuffHeavy bag (punching bag) prim version   L$0

Pose: Thor's Oak Exercise Animations  L$0

The Facts--
Exercise is any physical activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, as well as for the purpose of enjoyment. Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system, and helps prevent heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. It also improves mental health, helps prevent depression, helps to promote or maintain positive self esteem, and can even augment an individual's sex appeal or body image, which is also found to be linked with higher levels of self esteem.  When a person exercises, levels of both circulating serotonin and endorphins are increased. These levels are known to stay elevated even several days after exercise is discontinued, possibly contributing to improvement in mood, increased self-esteem, and weight management.


       "Mama, are you quite sure that she has to live with us?  Baby Hope would have lots of fun at Uncle Blaed's house!"  Elizabeth's features tilted downwards, palm lifting to lightly caress her daughter's cheek as laughter filled the nursery the two were preparing for the addition to their family.  Her youngest, Merry and Trail, were having some difficulty with welcoming the new baby, Merry even offering to weave a basket and blanket for front porch dropping.  Elizabeth held faith, however, that given time for fears to grow restful and worries to ease...that Hope would be eagerly welcomed to their family.

Elizabeth Spirt
The Free
Hair --- D!va  (Marisa Kira) Not only does D!va feature a nice varity of free group hairs (like the one pictured above - "Mana") it also has two boards for those that like to try their luck.  Even their sale hair is quite the bargain at 150L a pop.

Jewelry --- Classic Motherhood (Lilyanah Demar) Part of the shop exclusive bag, the bracelet and earrings compliment not only the free dress included inside, but plenty of other outfits just waiting inside your closet.

The Not So Free
Outfit (200L) --- Classic Motherhood (Lilyanah Demar) At 200 Lindens, this darling outfit comes with a top for each trimester of pregnancy.  Leave the worry of adjusting and stretching to others!

Shoes/Purse (200L) --- Classic Motherhood (Lilyanah Demar) Complete your fashion statment with shoes and a purse designed with your outfit in mind.

Eyes (99L) --- Mayfly (arkesh.baral)

Skin (900L)  -- *CH* Designs (ernesto.india)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Welcome to Our Lives

"I loved colors as a child; anything bright and cheery with splashes of vibrancy made me happy, excited, and craving to own it.  As a teenager I tried desperately to fit in, to be as muted as I saw myself, to hide from a spotlight that existed only in my imagination, and secretly long for real spotlights I avoided so I could remain drab and dull.  As a young adult I made my living wearing clothes, and taking them off.  I posed for spotlights and was spotlighted in magazines and videos.  I had fans who knew me only as the girl in the J-lo lingerie ad, or the fourth Victoria Secret Angel in that one runway show..  Now I am a mother, a wife, and a community activist.  My life has changed and so has my definition and use of fashion.  I still love beautiful things, I still am addicted to shoes! ..Yet I can love the look of my son's colorful handprints painted on a baby tee as much as I love that expensive evening gown from that hoity toity designer.  

While speaking to my husband, who I adore to the tips of his toes.. (though he could clip the nails a little more often! Kisses Eton lov!), he nodded a few times, got distracted by something suitably manly like grease stains and beer, but finally suggested that I get others involved. Well, what a great Idea!  We have a wonderful community, talented people, and share experiences and advice like others share a cold.   With that in mind, we decided to develop 'Behind Our Closet Doors'.  Part blog of fashion, part journal, part live action living right on our pages.

It's spring time in our small town, time for vacations, warmer weather, and preparation for weddings and prom dates.  While our home is Hellbound, a lovely coastal town in Maine, our existence isn't in the world of the flesh and blood, but in SecondLife, where the youngest child has a voice, and fashion is more a matter of who you are than how much money you have in your wallet.   We don't care about credit scores, but life lived.   IF clothing helps, or leads you deeper, farther, differently on the journey, then you understand what we do.  Read along on our communities adventures and if we happen to find a bargain, a free giftie, or a designer you never met, then Great! A win win for everyone!  Either way, welcome to Behind Our Closet Doors, welcome to our lives."
Ana Rappaport